” Taking back the minds of our youth “
I would say the first thing we need to get strait is to stop teaching a child to choose a skill and not an Education. That would broaden their world for a 100 years of learning and not 12 that teaches competition over the value of human life. The mind of a person who chose to stop really learning and just lives in a world they listen to is the mind of all those that come out of a public school.
Point being In the city how many people take care of ALL of their own problems?
You can’t fix this or that because you have not learned and deny to take the time for it but pay others to who as well may not know what you do ( It is our refusal to learn that skill. If and our mind is the only thing one takes in death if anything (Right ) should we not be raised to broaden our horizons daily till we die?
You can’t fix this or that because you have not learned and deny to take the time for it but pay others to who as well may not know what you do ( It is our refusal to learn that skill. If and our mind is the only thing one takes in death if anything (Right ) should we not be raised to broaden our horizons daily till we die?
We are now committing our own suicide Voting for those who will not stop the Chemtrails that are proven Poison , nor the Torture of H.A.A.R.P. and the Inhuman poisoning by the FDA, We Refuse to kill those that are the root of all the killing as it is these Psychopathic Elitists that order the continuation to kill those in the path of oil, coal and minerals and call it industrialization not murder. We must hold these bastards accountable!
Fact in my eyes this is ten times worse then Hitler, as They Are Killing Everything and We Are Committing Suicide in the eyes of God for those who believe. What forgiveness is there if one is not on the right side in this fight trying to save this planet we say God made or that will sit back and let it disintegrate before your eyes believing Jesus Will save it ? A Fight takes daily effort , Christ said “God helps those who help themselves” Gal 5:1 Stand Fast = ( FIGHT ) Hold Your Ground!!!
Here is my Note to Every Service Member, Federal worker or agent, every police person, every mercenary or want’ to be of any involvement of this Governance: The fact is your brain can not handle the truth, that is The Very Entity You Support Is KILLING You, Your Family and every thing you see! ( What are YOU GOING TO DO ABOUT IT ? )
Keep imprisoning, killing destroying the wrong peoples lives for cash from the ones killing YOU ? DE DA DE!!!
Will all that cash then be worth all your family’s ailments and this hell we all live under as you pay the pharmaceuticals for there ill’s they delivered because you refuse to deliver a bullet to those delivering this to US ALL THE WORLD OVER? If I was 20 years younger I would set my life on it, Seeking as King David did to kill Goliath. Fact being they some of the elitists better never see my face as I am more committed to saving this planet then that of my own welfare.
Here is a note to all you asshole pilots and all involved in this spreading of hell on earth: You have children and grandchildren they will wed and for Your Karma it will be from where you sprayed this that it will enter into your gen-pool and be the death of your name!
Now know why Bush said ” If they knew what we had done they would hang us all !!! ” They is ( YOU ) WAKE UP!!!
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